Booking conditions
These general terms and conditions apply to all commercial transactions carried out on our website,
La Casona de Mestas reserves the right to modify the commercial offer of the website (modifications on rates, promotions and other commercial and service conditions) at any time, although such modifications will not be applied to reservations already made.
La Casona de Mestas makes every effort within its means to offer the information contained in the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at any time an error of this type should occur, at all times beyond the control of La Casona de Mestas, it will be corrected immediately. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a customer has made a reservation decision based on this error, La Casona de Mestas will inform the customer of this error and the customer will have the right to cancel the reservation without any cost on their part.
Identification and activity
La Casona de Mestas is a limited company of Spanish nationality dedicated to the hotel business with registered office in Las Mestas, s/n 33557 Ponga (Asturias) Tel: 619 002 314 – 615 511 158 – 985 843 044 – Fax: 985 843 092; with N.I.F./ C.I.F. núm. B33474842.
Applicable taxes
The prices of the products displayed on the website of La Casona de Mestas include Value Added Tax (VAT).
Payment method
Direct payment at the hotel.
Customer rights and booking cancellation policy
La Casona de Mestas may require its customers to make with the booking of a place an advance payment of the price that will be understood on account of the amount resulting from the services provided; this signal may reach a maximum of 50% of the resulting amount depending on the places and number of days for which the booking is made. The user may cancel the booking at any time and will be entitled to a refund of the amounts paid. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when the cancellation is communicated more than 7 and less than 15 days prior to the date indicated for occupancy, the owner of the establishment may retain 50% of the amount of the deposit or all of it if the communication is made within 7 days prior to that date. In case of cancellation during the stay, you will be charged for the full contracted stay.
If the client does not arrive before 8:00 p.m. on the appointed day, the reservation will be considered cancelled.
Obligations of the user and/or customer
The user and/or client of our website agrees to:
- Do not use our website to perform or suggest activities prohibited by law.
- Refrain from any conduct that infringes the intellectual or industrial property rights of our website or third parties, or that violates or transgresses the honor, personal or family privacy or the image of third parties, or that is illicit or offensive to morality.
- Refrain from carrying out any destruction, alteration, disablement or damage of data, programs or electronic documents belonging to our website or any third party, as well as introducing or spreading on the network programs, viruses or, in general, any instrument or physical or electronic device that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the network, in the system, or in the equipment of third parties.
- Refrain from engaging in any activity or practice that violates generally accepted principles of good conduct among Network users.
- Report to us any unlawful use of which you become aware.
- In any case, the user will hold our website harmless against any claim, judicial or extrajudicial, that may be presented to us as a result of the above actions or omissions.
- The user will refrain from reproducing, copying, selling or exploiting in any way all or part of the contents and functionalities of our website, the use or right of access to it. Any fraud or abuse committed within the framework of our website may be subject to administrative or legal prosecution.
Security and confidentiality
Our security and confidentiality policy is available in the “Legal Notice” section.
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
All sales and purchases made with La Casona de Mestas are subject to Spanish law.
In case of any conflict or discrepancy, the applicable jurisdiction will be the Courts or Tribunals of Oviedo (Asturias – Spain) as long as there is no legal provision that prohibits it.